Hi, welcome, I'm Yunfei.
I'm a AI scientist and an holographic decoder.
你好,我是傅云飞。专注于AI&Holographic&Fine art&Robotics的交叉领域。
I've been traveling and learning a lot ...
I graduated as an EE student, quite enjoying my life in Dalian. EE is fun and hardcore, but I need more exciting things!
I got much much more than I can digest in Hong Kong, best mentors and professors I can hope. I learned a lot -- internet of things, Human Computer interactions, design, etc . great time!
One of my Dream School when I was a kid, and I learned a lot about New Media, design, fine art, and the way of design thinking, more than what I can appreciated!
Recent Researches
Basically it's about Decoding Images !
Reconstruct Image from 2D to 3D.
Based on vanilla mobilenet.
Gaze position 3D Real-time
Real-time Gaze position in real time
Estimation of Gaze position in 3D space with single rgb camera.
3D Human Synthesis
Real-time human generation
Based on 3D freestyleGAN, real-time human image generation with 3D pose and view.
2.5D High relief reconstruction
Reconstruct high relief from single image
Details could be found here :
Instance Soft Matting
Left : Input Image . Right: Soft Segmentation
Based on spectral decomposition, more than single object matting .
High speed Iris tracking with glass
Preparing for the holographic device
Novel View rendering requires naked eyes positions. It's a new method for 3D Iris position estimation with no depth camera just RGB.
Image decomposition
Reverse Engineering of a painting.
Based on DDPG
Naked Eye 3D Rendering
Retro Reflective + Kinect + Unity
More Accurate Real-time holographic rendering
Model recon
Model Reconstruction from Single image with HD expression
For Mirror Project
Instance segmentation of complicated sketches
Based on something tricky I can't mention now.
Single face project : c
3D rebuilding based on single image
Reference image
Front face image is required
Rebuild model
Sift flow based on Laplacian mesh editing
(2019) Yunfei Fu, H. Yu, Chih-Kuo Yeh, Jianjun Zhang, Tong-Yee Lee. "High Relief from Brush Painting", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 25, No. 9, Sept., 2019, pp. 2763~2776 (SCI/EI)
(2020) Fu, Yunfei, et al. "Fast accurate and automatic brushstroke extraction." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 17.2 (2021): 1-24.
(2022) Tingting Li, Yunfei Fu, Xiaoguang Han , DiffusionPointLabel: Annotated Point Cloud Generation with Diffusion Model, Pacific Graphics (accepted)Some Projects of mine
Wearable Device For Game
Cop with CAA
A sentence or two describing this item.
RoboCar in DJI
Vision + ROS SLAM
I do Concept Designs as well
March 28, 2016Reference:
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